As a non-profit organization, your donations help us keep our programs alive. Donate today and help us support emerging transgender, non-binary, two-spirit and gender diverse filmmakers.
“We cannot be a better society until we see that better society. I cannot be in the world until I see that I am in the world.” -Yance Ford
More than half of the transgender professionals working in the Canadian film and TV industry report experiencing adversity related to their gender identity while working on their last project.
We conducted a survey of transgender, non-binary, two-spirt, and gender-diverse folks in the Canadian film industry. 63% of these respondents took steps to delay transition or conceal their gender identity due to the risks associated with being out in the Canadian film industry.
At Spindle Films Foundation, we envision a film and TV industry that welcomes and celebrates diverse storytelling as valued and integral. We’re motivated by the power and creativity of community, and we invite you to join us in this industry-wide transformation.
Your generosity helps us support and amplify emerging transgender filmmakers and continue working to transform the Canadian film and TV industry.
Donations support our emerging filmmakers, their mentors, our community initiatives and advocacy work, and our operations and administration.
If you are interested in making a larger donation and supporting the Foundation please contact us about becoming a Sponsor. You can do that HERE.
Please note that the Spindle Films Foundation is not a registered charity, and thusly is not able to issue tax receipts.